Russell Boating Club, Russell, Bay of Islands

Russell Boating Club


The club runs a number of boating related events throughout the year including Regatta’s, Club racing, Inter Club racing and Cruising weekends. Dates for these events are listed in our Club Calendar. A  printable version of the annual racing calendar can be found HERE:

One of our many highlights in the racing calendar is the Tall Ships Regatta which is normally run in early January. 

The club has a dedicated email list and WhatsApp group for sharing up to date information on our racing program, courses and results. You can subscribe to this email list by clicking on the Subscribe button above or sending a note to the clubs Racing Secretary. Include your phone number if you would like to be added to the racing skippers WhatsApp group.


The following race series will be run this season

Patron’s Cup

For the yacht with the most starts in Russell Boating Club and Inter-club races between the first evening race of the season and the last Duke of Marlborough Hotel weekend series race inclusive. 

Wednesday Evening Racing

Cater Marine Spring and Summer Series - Extra’s can be used. Spring series 6 races, best 5 count. Summer series 4 races, best 3 count.

Omata Estate Series - Extra’s can be used. Held on alternate Wednesdays to Cater marine series Spring series 5 races, best 4 count. Summer series 5 races, best 4 count

Paroa Bay Winery Women’s Spring & Summer Series. Wednesday evening races where extra’s can be used. Must be a woman on the helm. 3 races per series

Summer Weekend Racing

Emerkit Weekend Series - for the Duke of Marlborough Cub. 6 weekend races, all count

Northern Hiab Single Handed Series - 3 weekend races, all count. Self steering devices, including Autohelms, not permitted. Extra’s can be used

Opua - Russell Inter-club Race Series - for the Fisher & Paykel Trophy. 3 races series held between October and March.

Epiglass Race. One inter-club race between Kerikeri, Opua and Russell.

Rum Race - All comers race to a TBD Bay of Island destination, raft up and party like it’s 1822.

Winter Racing

Willis Sails Winter Series - One weekend race each month. Four races, all count

Sailing Instructions and Course Sheets

Racing information including Sailing Instructions, Officer of the Day (OOD) and Course Sheets will be emailed to skippers providing their details are held with the RBC Racing Committee. 

Yachting NZ Racing Rules of Sailing - 2025-2028

Yachting NZ Safety Regulations of Sailing - 2025-2028

Changes to YNZ Safety Regulations of Sailing

Fisher & Paykel Trophy Inter-Club Series

The Fisher & Paykel Trophy Inter-club Sailing Rules are to be read in conjunction with the General Sailing Instructions. Where there is a conflict between these rules and the organising club’s sailing instructions, these rules shall prevail.


To be eligible to compete, each owner or skipper shall complete the Racing Registration process and be a financial member of the Russell Boating Club or a yacht club affiliated to Yachting New Zealand. Owners or skippers who are registered to race with any other BOI yacht club are also eligible to compete in RBC events. A minimum of 2 boats coming to the starting area is required for races to be held.

Race Starts

Jay has kindly put together a document that assists Skippers navigate the RBC race start line off the end of the Russell wharf. As Jay correctly points out, the Club’s use of this area of water for our races is a privilege and we should all try and avoid incidents that could put the Club’s use in jeopardy.


Races will be held in the waters of the Bay of Islands. Course sheets will be provided for races. 


A Map showing the location of rounding marks commonly used in our race courses can be found here:

Opua Tide Tables

Tide Tables provided by Land Information New Zealand

Russell Boating Club Inc

46 Matauwhi Road, Russell, 0202, New Zealand.

P.O. Box 99, Russell, 0242, New Zealand

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