Russell Boating Club, Russell, Bay of Islands

Russell Boating Club

Movie Night



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Social Committee

'One Outstanding' documentary by Larry Keating

Friday, 29 July, 2022

Dinner available from 5pm, movie starts at 7.00pm

One Outstanding is the story centred on Sir Peter Blake’s victory of the race after many attempts, and the battle that emerged between the two ketches Steinlager 11 and Grant Dalton’s Fisher & Paykel.

One Outstanding is a tribute to Sir Peter which includes unseen early footage of his sailing endeavours and success's in the America’s Cup. In addition to Sir Peter, the film features, Steinlager 11 crewman Brad Buttlerworth, F&P’s skipper Grant Dalton, Bruce Farr ( designer of both ketches) Bob Fisher ( journalist ) and Lady Pippa Blake.

Larry Keating sailing commentator and movie maker is the owner of the film ONE OUTSTANDING. This is a film he made in 2004 about the 1989/90 Whitbread Around the World Yacht Race.

Cash Sales on the door $15 for adults and $10 for youth. All proceeds from this event go towards the NZ Sailing Trust youth development programmes.

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46 Matauwhi Road, Russell, 0202, New Zealand.

P.O. Box 99, Russell, 0242, New Zealand

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